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  Function            Compaq386SetCpuSpeed - get cpu speed on a
                                               Compaq 386

  Syntax              void Compaq386SetCpuSpeed(unsigned char speed,
                                                unsigned int speedvalue);

  Prototype in        ibm.h

  Remarks             sets the cpu speed of a Compaq 386 computer, based
                      on the following chart:

                           speed:  0 - equivalent to 6 MHz 80286 (COMMON)
                                   1 - equivalent to 8 MHz 80286 (FAST)
                                   2 - full 16 MHz (HIGH)
                                   3 -  toggles between 8 MHz-equivalent
                                        and speed set by system board
                                        switch (AUTO or HIGH)
                                   8 -  full 16 MHz except 8 MHz-
                                        -equivalent during floppy disk
                                   9 -  specify speed directly (via
                                        speedvalue parameter, from 1
                                        (slowest) to 50 (full), 3 ~= 8088
                                        running at 4.77 MHz)

  Return value        nothing.

  Note                This function should ONLY be used on Compaq 386
                      computers or unpredictable results may occur.

  See also            Compaq386GetCpuSpeed(), Compaq386KbdType()

See Also: Compaq386GetCpuSpeed() Compaq386KbdType()
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